Mother’s Day Gifts for Quarantined Moms

Charles Beuck
6 min readMay 1, 2020
Photo by The Honest Company on Unsplash

This Mother’s Day is going to be extremely difficult for millions of Americans due to quarantine and social distancing. Even if you live nearby, you are likely hesitating to visit in person for fear that you could expose your mom to COVID-19. Though I am within driving distance of my own mom, she is immunocompromised so I won’t be visiting this year. I would never be able to forgive myself if my negligence infected her so I am showering her with love from a distance.

There are a couple ways to celebrate Mother’s Day this year and not violate quarantine. First, there is the basic phone call and short conversation wishing our mothers well. Our mom’s love hearing from us so this is a good start, but it is not quite the same as actually being able to see them. Luckily we live in a time when services like Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime are available. I’ll be using FaceTime since both my mom and I have iPhones, but I have used all three of these before and recommend these services over just a phone call since it is a bit more personal.

But what if your tradition is to get your mom some sort of gift? Well what about one that aims to distract your mom from the continuing quarantine? If this resonates with you, there are several options that can serve as distractions and sources of enjoyment in this difficult time.




Charles Beuck

Charles writes on art, history, politics, travel, fantasy, science fiction, poetry. BA in Psychology, MA, PhD in Political Science.